Friday, August 22, 2008

iPhone Offline Browsing Step 3: sshfs

I want the /var/mobile/Site directory on iPhone to appear like a local drive on the host where I will execute HTTRACK. SSHFS is perfect for this, except there is no Windows port and my Linux box has died. So I installed andLinux Then it won't be easier to install SSHFS and HTTRACK. Simply use Synaptic. And look for these packages. Synaptic will take care of the dependencies for you.

Once SSHFS is installed, create a mount point (an empty directory) which you will use to refer to your remote directory (the one on iPhone) e.g. /mnt/iphone

Then execute:
sshfs root@:/var/mobile/Sites /mnt/iphone

BTW, to "disconnect" (more precisely, unmount), simply:
fusermount -u /mnt/iphone

1 comment:

BL said...

Seems like there is something similar to SSHFS on Windows too: