Friday, August 22, 2008

iPhone Offline Browsing Step 0: Jailbreak

Having heard all these horror stories of rendering the iPhone unusable after Jailbreak, I still couldn't resist the temptation to make my iPhone at least as good as my old WinMo. And the very first step is jailbreaking. Currently the fastest (and easiet to me) way is using QuickPwn. You could also try the download link here.

Some info that you might find helpful:
1) QuickPwn is supposed to work with 2.0, 2.0.1 or 2.0.2 firmware. Mine is 2.0.1 so I have no experience with the other ones.

2) QuickPwn needs your ipsw from Apple. I found it under "C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates" I recommend you to make a copy of it just in case.

3) The real "action" happens inside the command-line window launched by the GUI. Just follow its instructions which involve turning your phone off and then back on (with a special sequence/combo of key pressing) It might sound weird but don't be scared.

Disclaimer: I am not encouraging anyone to jailbreak their phone and you have to understand that QuickPwn is beta software. I am not responsible for any potential damage done to your phone.

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