Friday, April 18, 2008


I've decided to move from the Dragon Go Server to the Online Go Server, suggested by the folks at in this thread about players who let time run out instead of resigning. Still not sure if I'll get the same treatment over at OGS but I do need a notifier application for OGS. There is a .NET based OGSNotifier. I try to avoid Microsoft specific technology if possible so I found this program called Your Move written by Adrian Petrescu. His version works with DGS and the Mac specific notification system Growl. I modified his code to add an OGSNotifier and work with the Windows equivalent of Growl called Snarl. (See this thread to get the Snarl Python API) If you're interested, leave me a comment. (I doubt anyone else who want to use it other than myself though since it has 2 dependencies: Python and Snarl, instead of the 1 dependency of OGSNotifier!)

1 comment:

BL said...

Followup: even though I had run into a few "quitters" on OGS, it's much less frequent than DGS. So I'm "reiterating" my recommendation of OGS over DGS