Wednesday, October 31, 2007

MTP Device blues

If you read the sister blog BigMusicLand, you know I have been using subscription music service based on Microsoft's PlaysForSure for a while. And I have been a happy camper until 2 weeks ago: all of a sudden, both Windows Media Player and Yahoo Music Jukebox wouldn't recognize my Samsung Yepp player.

I figure there must be something wrong with the driver. So I thought: why don't I uninstall it from the Device manager, then plug my player in, let WinXP auto-detect and install the driver again?

Well, like most things on Windows, thing didn't go as planned. After uninstall the driver and plug my player in, Win XP said "Found new hardware" (MTP device) and trying to install driver. So I put in the original installation CD. Win XP seemed to try reading it for a while but eventually says "Cannot install this hardware"! I googled it and it seems to be a common problem plaging users of different brands (Creative, iRiver, Sandisk) of PlaysForSure players.

Anyway, I guess I'm one of the "lucky" users since I "fixed" it by updating my Windows Media Player (it went from version 10 to 11)

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