Monday, April 09, 2007

Review: Nintendo Wii Part 2 (Wii Play)

Wii Play could be the second most owned game on Wii (I don't have the official stat) since it is bundled with a Wiimote. (The Wii console included 1 Wiimote. Most Wii owner would need at least one more to play with friend.) Wii Play is a collection of minigames, including table tennis, air hockey, pool, fishing and a few more non-sport games. I call them minigames because they are more like demo that showcase the potential of how future games will utilize Wii's unique motion sensing controller. To me these games feel even less complete and more barebone than those in Wii Sport. The replay values are not as high, especially in single player mode. However, it will serve as very decent party game.

[Update: I googled and confirmed Wii Play is indeed the 2nd most popular Wii game behind Wii Sports. And I found a pretty positive review here]

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