Friday, December 09, 2005

Yet another proof that consumers are sheep

According to a survey about HDTV (high definition TV) done by set-top box maker Scientific-Atlanta, a lot of buyers of HDTV don't have a clue about what high definition is and how to get such content. Check this out (everybody could use some good laugh for Friday afternoon):

"23% of HDTV owners did not invest in special equipment to watch HDTV channels because a message at the beginning of the programs they watch tells them that those programs are being broadcast in HD.

Nearly one in five (18%) reported that they believed the HD television would give them high-definition channels without additional equipment. "

There you go. The business model of making up some acronyms and put them on the products actually paid off!

With customers like these, why do businesses need to improve their products/services?

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