Friday, December 10, 2004

A costly miss by the censorship "sensors"?

Music fans know that Wal-Mart censors music it sells. It's not supposed to sell any music with explicit lyric. This is a practice heavily criticized by more open-minded music fans, including myself.

Well, apparently their "effort" is not enough: a couple bought Evanescence's latest CD from Wal-Mart for their daughter and was not happy to hear 'fuck' in the lyrics so they sue Wal-Mart 'coz Wal-Mart is supposed to censor such thing. See Wal-Mart Sued Over Evanescence CD Lyrics for more details.

So, what an irony! Wal-Mart's censorship practice backfired. If they don't do it in the first place, I guess they can't get sued.

(BTW, I never claim that my blog is free of foul language. So don't even think about suing me for that!)

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